Monday, January 16, 2012

A Beginning...

This issue has been one on my heart, and it grows as I keep hearing stories where men don’t live up to, or abandon their responsibilities.  This is the point where I will do my first post in this blog. 

Maybe it comes down to my upbringing.  Here is where I come from.  My parents got married and THEN began to have children.  They have stayed faithful to marriage for 37 years.  My father worked hard to provide for us.  He tried to behave in a way that would set an example for me and my sisters to live by.  He tried to spend time with us.  He did what was needed to mentor us.  Of course he made mistakes, but he also worked to make things right. 

From what I know about, the example that he had himself was… not the standard he wanted for his own family.  So I try to live at the standard my father worked at.

But what do I see in many of the other men in my age range?  I see men living life as boys.  Video games dominate their time.  Time out with the guys dominates their time.  Neglect for their marriage (if they bothered to do that) and neglect for their kids is just discouraging to see.

What is the difference?  I would love to say that those that claim to be Christian made the difference.  Unfortunately, there is still a big disconnect between those that call themselves a Christian, and those that live as a Christian.  It’s so sad.  I work with young people.  I have several female friends going through struggles in their marriage.  I see the pain.  I see the crying.  What is going one with men?  Why are they being such jerks?  Why do they ignore their responsibilities?

Here is what I see.  Many men have lost their fear and reverence for God.  According to the Bible, which I believe to be true, men should love their wives.  Men should be faithful to marriage.  Men should love women like sisters and not objects.  Men should not be given to drunkenness and other substances.  Men should love their children, and inspire them to grow into the best possible person.  They should serve in the church.  They should love people.  They should work hard and be faithful with the little things.  They should manage their houses with efficiency.  They should strive to spend time with God.  They should pray.  They should read the Bible to see God’s plan for living.  They should pour that into those that they meet and live with, with all love and grace. 

As a man, this is the kind of man I want to be.  As I continue this blog, I will be looking for things to encourage men in their walk with Christ.  I will be doing what I can to give them practical ways of leading their home.  I just want to be a man after God’s own heart.

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